Some of you might have noticed that last week I spent nearly all of my time in Classic WoW, keeping mostly to myself in chat as well. I wanted to do something mind numbingly boring to keep my mind off of worrying for my missing cat, Raja. I found myself constantly looking out the back door hoping to see him wanting inside. It was also a good choice since my latency is between 200 and 500 constantly, making serious combat a bit difficult. When doing ultra lowbie quests, though, it wasn’t something for which I needed to pay much attention.
Yesterday, I learned of Raja’s fate and now understand that he will not be returning to me. He was struck and killed by a vehicle on a nearby road. No longer will I feel him play-attacking my hands and feet. No more napping on my shoulder as I play WoW or nuzzling my neck. Only memories of him playing with his toys remain, especially his favorite of chasing the laser dot. I only had Raja for a year, but in that year I made sure I always gave him the attention he wanted and never let a chance to spend time with him go by. He was my fuzzy buddy and spent his time with me whatever I was doing. He was always close at hand when working out in the yard, in the house, or on the computer – sometimes trying to “help out” by batting my tools or pouncing on my hands. He attended company whenever I had any and enjoyed my young nieces playing with him. I used to break off bits of my cheese when making a sandwich for lunch so that he could eat it. I loved Raja and will miss him dearly. RIP my fuzzy buddy.

Raja can sleep in the oddest places

Raja sleeping in my favorite chair
Oh no =( Losing a pet is always difficult, especially when you’ve only had them for a short time. I lost two cats to heart defects that made themselves known when we took them to the vet for rabies vaccines… only to have one die on the way back, and the other pass two months later. Sorry to hear about Raja, may he be happy and all the catnip he needs, wherever he is now.
/hug, if you need anything, let me know.
Sorry to hear that koth =/
Sorry to hear Koth, I know he meant a lot to you.
My heart goes out to you Koth. 🙁
My pets are my life. I hope when you’re ready you can give another little guy a good home!
aww koth im sorry to hear, I know losing a pet that means alot to you is hard i just lost my lab ( buddy) not to long ago. 😥 sorry for your furry lose
Awe, damn… That sucks big time. Sorry to hear about that. 🙁